6165 Dupree Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63135
$30,000 (Listed Sold)

Rehab Ready Single Family In Ferguson

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Invest in St. Louis

Welcome investors! Slab home with great bones being sold AS IS. With some TLC this could be a great home as either a rental or a flip. Please use caution when entering the property, and bring your flashlights as well!

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Property Details:
Square Footage: 712 County: St. Louis City Units: 1-4 Condition: Rehab Needed Occupancy: Vacant Parking: Garage, Off Street Parking Heating: Gas Heat Cooling: Window Units Construction: Siding Basement: None
Home Amenities:
Agent Details:
Owner / Broker: Jordan Schoen Phone: (314) 255-5117 Fax: (314) 480-7053
Contact Agent: Please use the form below to contact agent Jordan Schoen about this listing.

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